Connection of the Enercity outstations – Enercity | Stadtwerke Hannover AG – Area: Energy supplier | Electricity

With an annual turnover of around 2.45 billion euros, Stadtwerke Hannover AG (enercity) is one of the largest municipal energy suppliers in Germany. It offers electricity, gas, district heating, drinking water and services under the umbrella brand “enercity – positive energie”. DigiComm GmbH has been working with enercity in the field of electricity since 2016.

The challenge

Realisation of a telecontrol system that guarantees communication channels in compliance with current laws, regulations and standards. Connection of outstations via existing copper infrastructure. The aim of connecting the devices is to use a telecontrol system that guarantees communication paths without failures in compliance with current laws, regulations and standards.


Ethernet modems are currently used to connect the outstations via existing copper cables for data transmission of all important measurement and control reports. The SHDTU Ethernet modems for top-hat rail mounting are suitable for transferring data from the outstations to the control centre. A rack solution is used in the control centre, where all data converges.


By connecting outstations to the control centre, they only need to be approached in the event of a fault if the central solution does not work. This reduces personnel costs and operating costs. With the technology used, investments in passive network infrastructure could be avoided.